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µ¥´Ï½ºÀ¨(Denis Wick) Æ®·³º» ¹ÂÆ® Fibre Mute DW5572
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      Bb Æ®·³Æê, ÄÚ³Ý °ø¿ë
      Trombone Fibre Mute


      New from Denis Wick -  a great-sounding and versatile fibre mute for trombone. This sensational mute has a seamless construction and a wooden base. It is great for orchestral and band use, but is also perfect for jazz, with a soft, mellow sound that is perfect for jazz ensemble work. It fits equally well in large bore and medium bore trombones, with generously-sized corks that compress down to fit smaller bells. To ensure a good fit, simply leave your Denis Wick mute in the bell overnight, and the cork will adapt to the curvature of your bell. It has the excellent intonation that is the hallmark of Denis Wick mutes, but provides a professional mute at a student price. A whole set can be purchased for a band at the price easily paid for a single mute!

      • Great tone with easy to control quiet notes and a sizzling forte sound
      • Superb intonation in all registers
      • Even response from high to low
      • Suitable for use in band and orchestral music
      • Beautiful sound for jazz
      • Sturdy construction with a wooden base that gives extra resonance
      • Real cork which has been specially contoured and will flex and take on the shape of the instrument's bell
      • Protective bumper strip to prevent damage to bell when putting the mute into the instrument
      • Greatly reduces sound output - suitable for home practice
      • Sensational value
      • Easily the best-performing mute at this price-point
      • Seamless construction

      "No other mute available at this price point can approach the level of performance of the new Denis Wick fibre mute!" - Richard Galime, Chicago


      review ÀÛ¼º Æû
      review board
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      review ¸®½ºÆ®


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